Paths and focus areas

The construction industry in one event

The synergy between the innovative exhibition formulas and the special initiatives taking place during the event ensure a comprehensive overview of the transformation the construction market is undergoing as well as highlighting the innovations of the exhibitors present.

BIM design, control and management software, Building Information Modeling | Survey and measurement tools, drones, geospatial technologies | Augmented reality, tools, systems and applications | 3D printers, digital manufacturing, digital platforms

Building materials and technologies | Structures and industrialised systems | Interior finishes and partitions | Waterproofing, chemistry for construction | Exterior insulation and finishing systems | External envelopes and doors and windows | Flooring and cladding | Land consolidation | Earth-moving and lifting vehicles | Drilling and tunnelling | Construction site equipment and products

Ventilation, air-conditioning and heating systems | Remote control systems for the building | Electrical systems for the building | Lighting systems | Solar and photovoltaic systems and energy production | Automations, access control systems, anti-intrusion systems | Digital Building, Smart Home and Digital Cities | Sports and outdoor systems | Smart infrastructure | Fire prevention systems and systems

Consulting services (professional, technical, financial) | Design offices, engineering and architecture companies | Building maintenance and administration | Associations | Technical and media publishing